Volunteer Vacations

Image from Globe Aware.

Summer's on its way and you may be planning how to best spend those vacation days. If you're looking to do good and experience a new culture at the same time, you could try voluntourism!

The complete opposite of staycations, voluntourism consists of volunteering opportunities at exotic locales around the world and Globe Aware is a non-profit that offers just that. Each destination (they have programs in multiple countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America) has different projects depending on the previous groups' progress and the community's needs, which range from building schools in the Andes and wheelchairs in Cambodia to teaching English and irrigation projects in Southeast Asia.

 Image from Globe Aware.

When not volunteering, participants can go sight-seeing and explore the local areas. The best part is no special skills or language knowledge are needed for any of the programs, so even toddlers (pictured above in Cambodia) can join! The fee for the program, which covers lodging, on-site travel and food, typically authentic local cuisine, program coordination and other Globe Aware programs, is tax-deductible and you know exactly where it's going.


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